Monday, 12 January 2009


Saturday interview: Skills secretary John Denham
Whistlestop it may have been. But the Prime Minister's tour of recession Britain could not keep pace with the velocity of economic decline. On Monday, John Denham, the innovation, universities and skills secretary, unveiled – as a curtain-raiser to Gordon Brown's regional journey – plans to retrain Nissan workers while they were still employed by the Sunderland plant.

By Mary Riddell Last Updated: 10:11AM GMT 10 Jan 2009

John Denham, the innovation, universities and skills secretary, unveiled plans to retrain Nissan workers while they were still employed Photo: JEFF GILBERT

Nissan is to cut 1,200 jobs at its plant in Sunderland
We meet late on Thursday. Mr Denham has just stepped off a train from Liverpool to discover that notions of a gentle transition appear to be in tatters. The car firm has just announced that it is firing 1200 people; a quarter of its Sunderland workforce. Did he know that devastating news was coming?
"No. The deal with Nissan was done before Christmas. I can't tell you what will happen now," he says, unsure how the bombshell will affect his agreement. "But our commitment to that sort of deal will remain." With job losses accelerating by the day, does he accept that the downturn may be worse than in 1929? "The impact has has turned out to be very, very difficult indeed."
As opportunities shrink, Denham faces many problems. These include is the fate facing students who will graduate this summer; one of the largest cohorts ever to leave higher education. "These are the children of the baby-boomers. They will be a very big group; around 300,000. What do we do with them?..We can't just leave people to fend for themselves."
Despite many big employers promising not to freeze graduate employment altogether, students approaching their finals are facing unemployment unparalleled in recent times. Denham's response is a "national internship scheme", which he is putting together with leading employers in the private and public sectors.
So far Microsoft and Barclays, along with other major firms, have pledged to take graduates who cannot find jobs and train them for short periods of up to three months. Mr Denham is urgently canvassing other businesses. "At the end, they [graduates] will be more employable, and some of them will get jobs. Employers won't want to let good people go. The graduate situation is not as bad as some people say, but it is challenging."
Will his interns be paid? "I'm not at this stage talking about unpaid internships. I'd hope we'd develop something that won't look worse than a student's income and may look considerably better." While he promisies government "branding", no extra money appears to be on offer. Can he persuade bosses to provide enough places to make a difference? "Aspirationally, you would like it to be available to everyone, but you always fall short of the univsersal."
Mr Denham denies that this scheme will be unattractive to poorer students, who have paid dearly for their education and now face, at best, a short-term, low-wage job. Still less does he accept this year's grim prospects as evidence that too many young people are being channelled into higher education. "That's wrong," he says. His aspiration to get 50 per cent of young people to university (as opposed to the current 40 per cent) still holds. "It feels about right," he says.
Surely he will not now be taking the advice offered in a recent report by Sir John Chisholm and removing the cap of £3145 on tuition fees, so allowing universities to move towards the £17,000 demanded by top American colleges? Mr Denham, who must make a decision this year, refuses to talk about tuition fees until his review is complete. But Chisholm's contribution is, he says, "a fascinating paper in lots and lots of ways."
Before any decision is made he will be talking urgently to major graduate recruiters, urging them to sign up to his internship deal. "It's my job in the next few weeks to push those discussions through," he says.
Next Tuesday, he will publish the New Opportunities white paper, which will include a pilot scheme for carers who have been out of work for more than five years. That group, chiefly women and including mothers who left jobs to raise their children, will be offered a £500 retraining grant to help them back into employment.
"Training is a universal right. It's not just targeted at those with the worst skill levels. Society wants people to look after elderly parents or children; such carers make a huge contribution. I didn't think there ought to be a division on grounds of income. Anyone who has been a carer for five years deserves that help."
Although Mr Denham says he would have brought in his plan with or without a recession, he concedes that it will benefit the victims of the middle class jobs bloodbath. With professional men being thrown out of work, their wives may become breadwinners. "The aim is to give people more choices. Caring is good; it shouldn't be a penalty that sets you back when you return to work."
Though mindful of middle class pain, he devotes much of his thought to apprenticeships. 35,000 more were announced this week, in addition to the 224,000 already planned for this year. £1billion is being spent in 2009: the aim for 2020 is 400,000 places.
Such schemes are vital now that young people must, by law, stay on in school until they are 18 after 2015. There have been rumours that the higher leaving age may be brought forward as the recession bites, and Mr Denham, intriguingly, does not deny it. "There is nothing on that I can help you with," he says cryptically. "I'm not going to give you any indication. Any steer would be unhelpful."
He does not deny that there is also a fear in government – as Britain's Neets (those not in not in employment, eduation or training) face a bleak future- of the sort of civic meltdown seen recently in Greece and France. "But I wouldn't say that I was driven by the fear of social breakdown as much as the great sense of loss when young people end up in trouble or wasting their lives."
Mr Denham is a difficult man to pigeonhole. Though he did not, unlike many colleagues, lose faith in Gordon Brown, he is, he maintains, neither Blairite not Brownite. "I am not any sort of Ite," he says. Will there be an election this year? "It's not something I'm thinking about?" Can Labour win? "We can, but we've got to earn it."
Labour's fate may depend, as he knows, on whether people can find jobs and secure their futures in a world with no guarantees or signposts. While he remains upbeat, it will not be easy to convince sceptical voters that he can build the skilled and supple workforce of tomorrow on the frail and shifting foundations of today.

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